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Due to the safety concerns and travel restrictions caused by COVID-19, EAI MedAI 2020 will take place online in a live stream.
Participants will still be able to enjoy unique interactive benefits – learn more.
The conference is co-located with EAI Digihealthsouth 2020 under EAI MobiHealth 2020.
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Paper Submission is now open for EAI MedAI 2020! Check out the Call for Papers.EAI MedAI 2020 supports revolutionary EAI Community Review, find out more here.Every author receives EAI Index credits – regardless of acceptance. Learn more about EAI’s Recognition Program here.Get real feedback on your presentation from other registrants via EAI Compass.
Let the EAI Community help you build your career with collaborative research, objective evaluation, and fair recognition:
All accepted and presented papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.
Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, Ei Compendex, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:
Additional publication opportunities:
In view of the current situation around COVID-19, the organizers would like to use the chance arising from this crisis and make MedAI 2020 an important forum for the discussion of AI approaches to fight the pandemic.
We therefore invite researchers and users for paper submissions (8 -15 pages) that strengthen the continuing effort to bring AI into medical application, with a specific emphasis on approaches to fight COVID-19. We expect submissions from all areas of Artificial Intelligence in medicine, in particular but not limited to:
Artificial intelligence has undergone enormous developments in recent years and is rapidly finding its way into medicine. AI is becoming relevant for all areas, from prevention to diagnostics and therapy, rehabilitation and care. First clinical applications exist already, but there are still many research questions to be solved for a broad deployment. In view of the COVID 19 pandemic, AI has gained enormous additional importance, as there are a number of promising approaches for combating this worldwide crisis.
This event is organized by EAI.
EAI – European Alliance for Innovation is a non-profit organization and a professional community established in cooperation with the European Commission to empower the global research and innovation, and to promote cooperation between European and International ICT communities.
EAI’s vision is to foster excellence in research and innovation on the principles of transparency, objectivity, equality, and openness. Our guiding principle is community cooperation to create better research, provide fair recognition of excellence and transform best ideas into commercial value proposition.
EAI‘s mission is to create an environment that rewards excellence transparently, and builds recognition objectively regardless of age, economic status or country of origin, where no membership fees or closed door committees stand in the way of your research career.
Through these shared values, EAI leads the way toward advancing the world of research and innovation, empowering individuals and institutions for the good of society to fully benefit from the digital revolution.
Important Dates
Notification Deadline
25 November 2020
Camera-ready and Video submission Deadline
7 December 2020
Conference Date
18 December 2020